Monday 23 June 2014

We are finally done!

So we compiled everything already and tested on ipad. It works well. At first we had some issues on the cover page from the view of the ipad but now it is fix. It is just because the cover wasn't in the right size. So here are the overall page of our group 5 magazine.


Thursday 19 June 2014

Almost done!

Today we somehow managed to gather up most of the file and this some feature in the ipad. We managed to add the interactive of the page such as the music and the video in the page. We also look through and saw that our content page needed to be vertical spread too so I did that.

It looked like this and it took me quite sometime to get it right. Since it is now single page, there are things that have to be added to make it better. Also, I added more of our content such as the featured artist and the gear review page.

I did another video bahasa melayu subs as I mistakenly thought Paveethra did the other… 
So here is LTD bm subs

We are now just lacking some technical part and hopefully we will finished in time.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

One more step closer

From the previous post, I have done half way of the featured artist, low poly design. Just when I'm about to finish one quater more, Amir said he will do it instead. I guess the one I did wasn't wasn't really nice. Well, it did look distorted…. I guess…

Ermm… yeap… I won't blame him. It does look weird. Poor face of his. =P Well, leaving that aside from me, I got a few subtitles to put in his videos and I had to translate it to Bahasa Melayu.

I did it in iMovie since it's just adding the subtitle in. It's not really a tedious work though but at least I could it well enough.

So…. here are the malay subs videos (that I got from Amir) that I did (and I did 4/5)…..

Bad Monkey Malay Subs

Chorus Factory Malay subs

Grunge Malay subs

Esteve Malay subs

For now, Paveethra will be compiling the files and everything and put it into one. She will test it out on Ipad. Also, I am done with the task I currently assigned with.

Monday 16 June 2014

A little step

I had to redo the linking the triangle and it is a very tedious work. However, I did learned a new thing. Anyhow, I may take a few days with this task, so I did the translation for our featured artist and for the video as we all forgotten about our required language. Estimated to finish both by today? Gambatteh to self!!

Saturday 14 June 2014

Featured Artist

Now I'm doing the featured artist in a low poly design style. I continued from Amir's as he couldn't do it in time and I have some spare time to do it. Currently we trued rushing our work and making sure if we are done with what we should do. We had the new cover page picture and the sound on the pedal already. Of course, we are done with the 3D models already and we have to start to compile everything into one.

Anyhow, this is my progress on the featured artist. We used Amir as the star. I just got this task yesterday though. It is almost done but I'm currently on the tedious part of the process but I will try to finish it as soon as possible.

This is the file that I continued from Amir. He did the few earlier steps that is to separate the face feature and items.

After that, I had to manually do the triangle on his face.

And it turned out like that and I import it into Illustrator from Photoshop.

I do the triangle after that.

Yes… until the end.

After that, I had to joint all the triangle and let no space in between and this is the part I'm in right now. The step after this would be just add in the colors and I will be done soon.

Friday 6 June 2014

Indesign 360˚

Since the pedal model is done, we have to try out how to put in the Indesign. From Maya, following one of the tutorial, we tried convert it to u3d using obj file and open it with Adobe Acrobat. It does work, as shown in the previous post. However, me and Paveethra tried to add the mtl. file, which come together with it, it could read the format. That file is suppose to be the material file of the object.

Looking through into more tutorial to add it in, I finally found an easier way. Though the reader can't really rotate it any where they like, they still can rotate it horizontally. The steps learnt from the tutorial below:

So what I did was, exporting the 3D object into image sequences. I tried a few times but I couldn't get it. I did ask help from the others (outside of my group) and they were really helpful. When I finally get to do the image sequences, I just need to pass it to Paveethra, where she will test it in the Adobe Content Viewer. I had to change the images to jpeg, tga and png to test the suited one for the page. We had to tried again and again to get the prefect 360˚ rotation feature.

Had to play about with the type of file, changing the size and name and etc.

Though it's a little hassle, at least the feeling a accomplished is there. Any way, here's how it look:

At most, jpeg is the most suited one but do need to change the background color.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Done with my task

I'm finally done with my 3D modeling, which I'm supposed to finish it last week. Most work are much delay and I really hope that we could finished in time. I did a remake on the bad_monkey pedal as there are a little adjustment needed to do but couldn't as most are already done (hard to change) in the latest saved file. Hence, I did another with the base pedal I've done before for the pedals.

Other than that, Paveethra found a way to add in the 3D maya file into indesign. However, the process is really tedious and there's many to do. Firstly, we have to export the model into obj. file and then change it into u3d file. From Adobe Acrobat, we can view the model.

Didn't know how to export to obj at first but I do found an easier way with a basic tutorial online :


The way it was taught, it sounded really easy but I couldn't get the texture out from Maya (that I added it). This is how it was previewed in the Adobe Acrobat.

While these are the pedal that I re-add the texture. This time, I added the base label of the pedal (where previously I didn't add it.

They probably look the same when I first model this but I think this is cleaner in a way. Not really in terms of poly faces though.